Thursday, December 19, 2013

Prayers for a Friend

My friend Brian is having a meeting in about 15 minutes with someone he finds very unpleasant. Pray that the Lord closes this mans mouth so he doesn't say so many disrespectful things to Brain and his co workers. Please also pray the man listens to reason and fact. We pray these things in Jesus name, AMEN!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hope all is Well

Hope everyone is having a glorious afternoon! Things are beautiful where I'm at right now. I'm feeling pretty good, in a little bit of pain but that will be gone soon I'm sure. Had a few negative things happen this morning so far but still staying positive that it's all part of the Lord's plan. Peace be with you I'm always praying for all of you!

Monday, December 16, 2013


Hope everyone had a blessed weekend. I had a really fun time, it seemed to be a tad warmer in Los Angeles the last couple of days. I was excited on Sunday too see that an old friend of mine was at church, he has always been anti religion so it was great to see the Lord working in his life. Today I'm asking for some prayers for myself. I'm actually waiting to hear back from a possible new client for my work. If this deal went through then that would be real great for me. In his name all things are possible. If you have any prayer requests please let me know, remember prayers and compliments don't cost anything!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

I ask for a Prayer

I've had a strange nerve pain that would come and go for the last four years. The pain has became more profound as of late. I'm asking for prayers for the Lord to heal what ails me. I know in his name all things are possible, Amen!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Money problems, who doesn't have them?

Man has became dependant on money, I would say more so than God. It's the capitalist mantra, money makes everything better. I hope I don't sound like a socialist because I love making and spending money.  This time of year things become extra crazy, on top of the bills we have to pay just to live we also feel obligated to buy people things they probably don't even need. Life has became about feeling good right now, instead of about the future and the wonderful place our Lord has prepared for us. I've been living pretty close to the poverty line for the last couple of years, it isn't fun but the Lord always provides for me. Four days ago I was wondering about how I was going to pay my bills, let alone buy Christmas presents. I want to say I didn't worry, but I did, and then I would say a prayer and would feel better. Today I have money in the bank, bills are paid and I have enough left over for the two presents I want to buy. All I can say is God is great and he loves us and always takes care of us like the children that we are.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Life's tough

Update on my request yesterday. My friend was arrested but it had to do with some warrants he had out for his arrest and not being under the influence. So I'm not sure if that's good or not, I was hoping this would be a wake up call to his bad decision making. Please keep praying that he find the path that out Lord has prepared for him. In his name all things are possible!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Beautiful Day

I feel very blessed to be alive today! I've felt a calmness today even though chaos is brimming all around me. Thank you Lord for all the gifts you have given me! I pray that all who are lost find their way to you. In your name all things are possible, Amen!

Last minute prayer for a good friend of mine who has just been arrested. He has a drug problem and I'm not sure what that plays into the arrest. All the prayers are needed!!

Monday, December 9, 2013


Let's not forget to pray for all those with out a place to stay tonight. I live in Los Angeles and it's cold here tonight. I can't even imagine what it's like in the rest of the country. Could you please pray for George and Prentice, they are two homeless individuals I know in Burbank. I hope the Lord has found them some where warm to stay for this season. Prayer requests are always welcome

Blessed for What I Have

I can't say that things are ideal for me right now, but I have a strong faith that all is going to work out. I've had a few set backs in my professional life, so I've been praying allot that the Lord opens a new door for me. In the lives of people around me my friend Erin can use some prayers for some pressure she is under. I think this time of year we should be praying for everyone, there is so much pressure to afford stuff we don't really need. Our society has forgot what is important in life. My friend Tracy burned her foot last week, burns stink, I know from personal experience. Pray that she has a speedy recovery. My friend Zacarias still needs prayers for her Crohn's disease. Please send any prayer requests you might have!! Go in peace brother and sisters in Christ.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More Prayers

My friend Violet is suffering from very intense back pain. The doctor has told her not to get out of bed for the next two days. She might even have to have surgery. Please pray that the Lord takes away the pain and that she is able to get back to her life. In his name all is possible.

A Beautiful Day

I feel very blessed at the moment, the sun is shining and my foot feels pretty good; I would like to thank everyone who prayed for me, I can feel the Lord healing me with his glorious power. I feel like the gout was a warning from the Lord to watch what I've been putting into my body. Two weeks ago I was talking to some friends about prayer and how as bad as things are there is no need to worry because our Father in Heaven loves us so much and will always provide. Well the last week has tested that, besides the horrible foot pain I also ran out of money and I am currently over drawn in the bank. With all that I still feel great, the Lord has sent so many people into my life to help me, rides from friends and another friend took me to the store and bought me weeks worth of healthy food. Praise the Lord!
Prayer requests, my friend who has children is going through the last stage of her court ordeal, I'm praying not just that she gets what she deserves I'm also praying that the Lord opens her ex's heart! I'm also praying for actor Paul Walker's family. I guess it's living in LA, you get a connection to the celebs since they are part of your community. I heard Paul was a Christian and that really makes me happy, at least he is with out Father now. Prayers also for my friend Zacrarias, the Chrons is still affecting her pretty bad. I also pray for my ex roommate Rick, he is very sick and in constant pain, I ask for the Lord to take away what ails him. I'm also praying for my friend Chris's sister Heidi who is suffering from Lyme disease, sounds like the Lord is already starting her on the road to recovery. Praise the Lord! I ask for prayers for myself, I ask to have this pain taken away from me and I also ask for doors to open at work that will lead to more success. I also pray for all the lost and wounded in the world, I pray they realize how much our Risen Father loves them and how everything is possible through him!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


For 36 hours now I have had severe pain in my right foot, I believe it might be gout. Please pray for me, all is possible in the Lord's name. Please contact me if anyone has any prayer requests.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Please Lord take my Pride

I've been very prideful as of late, that mixed with my drug use has made me very angry and all about myself.  ask the Lord to take the pride and anger away from me. I'm a sinner who is not worthy of our Fathers redemption and yet I know he will always forgive me. He is the perfect Father, his love is above all else. In his name all things are possible. Please contact me with any prayer requests you may have.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Prayer Requests

I'm going to throw out a quick prayer and save the rest for tomorrow. It's very wet tonight in Los Angeles and I love to say a prayer for all those on the street who don't have a warm place to go tonight. One of them in particular lives near my work in Burbank. His name is Prentice, he usually wears shorts and a t-shirt so I know he must be cold. Please pray that our Father helps our fellow brothers & sisters who are not as well off as us.

Community Group Tonight

I love my every other Wednesday community group! :) Tonight in North Hollywood we will be discussing last Sunday's sermon at Ecclesia. Last Sunday's sermon was about praying and what we learned from our Risen Lord about praying. I didn't enjoy the sermon on Sunday, praying is something I feel like I have down already. My biggest problem is remembering when to pray. I feel like man's biggest flaw is our faith in ourselves. We really believe we can do any thing. I know that happens to me allot, when in reality I have no power whatsoever.  Will have some more prayer requests tonight after the group. God Bless brothers and sisters.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Prayer Requests

Lots of people need the Lord's prayers right now. My friend Zacarias is still having flare ups of her Crohn's. I have some friends who could use some prayers for their business, more customers. I'm still praying for a job opportunity I might get at the end of the month. Please pray for our brothers and sisters who have not found the Love our Father. Please send me any prayer requests you may have

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Good News

My friend who was going to court just got awarded full custody!!! Our prayers to the Lord were answered! Praise our Father! She has court again in December to decide what he will be paying. Please pray that the Lord keeps doing what is his will and takes care of all parties involved. Praise be to the Lord!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Being humbled

I screwed up at work last week. Before I screwed up though I was convinced that I was 100 percent right! I was even angry about how right I was!! Well it turned out I was wrong, more then wrong I fell flat on my face. My boss called me out on all of it and it felt really good being humbled. I felt better being told I was wrong then when I was convinced that I was right. I thank the Lord for the redemption that I don't deserve.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Not Happy Again

I've gone back to smoking pot, I'm enjoying it at the moment but I definitely know this an artificial high. I have not been reading the bible as much as I was. I made it one month no big deal, I didn't even think about it. Now here it is one week back into my disease. I wonder if this will kill me, when I do allot of drugs I think about serving two masters. You can only love one, I definitely think more about the drugs when I'm doing them then I think about our Risen Lord. Please pray for me. If your looking for anyone else to pray for please look at my last posting, their are a ton of us who need to be touched by the holy spirit. Peace be with you

Thursday, November 7, 2013

More Prayers

A friend of mine is going to court tomorrow against her ex who is suing for custody. She has no family here in the states except for her two beautiful children. Her ex is verbally abusive and his very large family has been bullying her via text message for the last few months. We pray for the Lord to give her peace and let the judge do what is in God's plan. Because he knows all that we really need!!

Prayer Requests

So I have a few extra prayer requests today. My friend Chris' sister Heidi is still suffering from Lime disease but her very intense treatment is over so she is going to DC soon for a check up. Pray that the Lord destroys this disease every where it lives in her and she can get back to her life and her 5 little children who need their mom. My friend Zacarias is still suffering from Crons and is still spending allot of time in the hospital. Pray she gets out soon and can enjoy her life again. My friend Brian's uncle died last week, that side of Brian's family were not believers but lets hope that this loss brings his family in to our Father's flock. I have another prayer request for a young women in Minnesota, she is my friends sister (21) and was just diagnosed with epilepsy. We should also pray for her mother and uncle who are both dealing with drinking problems, those problems of course also effect this young women and we pray that the Lord covers this family with love that will end the strife. Prayers are still needed for my friend who I mentioned was rushed to the ER a few days ago. Praise the Lord it was not cancer but it was still pretty bad, prayers for her and her husband as they try to move on with things. I'm sure my ex roommate Rick (who I am no longer talking too) could use some prayers. He lost most of the people who hung out with him when we had our falling out. Pray the Lord heals the many things wrong with him and helps him live an easier pain free life. Pray for the villagers of Elim Alaska, I met a teacher from the village this summer, she told me the suicide rate is 25 - 50% within 5 years of graduation, how sad. Pray that the Lord brings his everlasting hope into their hearts and shows them that he has many wondrous things to show them. In his name all things are possible. Please contact me with any prayer requests

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Listening to Ecclesia's podcast

I missed church last Sunday and tonight is my discussion group, uh oh!! So I went to Ecclessia's website and found the podcast. Sunday started a new teaching series about how to pray properly. I'll be on here again later tonight to post prayer requests; if any one has a request please message me , and I will include it, discretion is always practiced. Check out the link to the podcast below. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Forgot a Prayer

A good friend of mine has had to make an emergency trip to the hospital. Prayers for her please. She is an amazing person, I'm not sure why she is going to the hospital but I know her family has a history of cancer so I'm hoping it's not that. Please pray

One Month Sober off drugs

I officially have one day sober today off of drugs. I feel very blessed to have been able to go this long. Since I started using drugs 15 years ago this the 5th longest time I have ever been sober. I've done 6 months once, 3 months twice and 6 weeks once. I'm hoping the Lord can keep his healing powers on me and take this addiction way forever.
I had to work this weekend so I missed church but my plan is to listen to the podcast tomorrow and then have discussion about it on Wednesday with my community group. The other community group I'm in is meeting on Saturday and we are going to be cooking lunch for about a 90 kids and their parents at the Ronald McDonald House. I'm very excited about that!! If things work out we will be doing this one Saturday a month for the rest of the year.
In the prayer department my friend Wendy is in desperate need still and Zacarias is back in the hospital. I'm also requesting prayers for myself, I'm for a job that I really would love to get. I'm asking the Lord to do what he can for me! I have another friend who will remain nameless who is feeling lost at the moment and needs the Lord's guidance more than ever.
Please contact me with any prayer requests, go in peace brothers and sisters in Christ and have a great week :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I have a few prayer requests for some of my friends. My friend Zacararias needs prayers for Cron's she is throwing up every few minutes as we speak. My friend Eve has been having really bad two day long migraines. My friend Chris' sister Heidi has Lyme disease and is going through a very intense treatment for that. She also has 5 children that she barely can take care of because of the disease, so please pray for her husband who is doing allot on his own. Please pray for my friend Wendy and her husband, I'm not sure about what but I know our Risen Lord does. My friend Owen asked for some prayers so he can be as good a father as he can be. My former roommate Rick who is always very sick could always use prayers. We know that all things are possible in the name of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ, even touching his cloak is enough to cure all that ailed those of the past. Peace be with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ecclessia Community Group

So tonight was the first official meeting of the community group I joined through my church. Besides fellowship the main focus of the group is too discuss the sermon of the Sunday before. The meeting takes place in North Hollywood at a friends house. Tonight's discussion was about Romans 12 and being a living sacrifice. The other major topic was too let the Lord have vengeance since it is his and not ours. I brought up my former roommate who I did quite a bit for and said some very nasty things about me in August. I don't talk to him any more and I'm not sure if that is good but I still pray for him on the regular. The group seems good, I was able to openly talk about my drug and sex addiction. I've actually been sober for two and a half weeks, I'm proud of that. I joined another community group that starts meeting on Saturday, this group will have us going to the Ronald McDonald house and talking to sick children, I'm very excited about this! I feel very blessed to be where I'm at right now.

On the prayer front my friend Chris' sister Heidi has Lime disease and could use all the prayers you can muster. If anyone has any prayer requests please message me.

Peace be with you brothers and sisters in Christ.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Lord is calling

I went to church really stoned on Sunday. I was on the welcome team and I talked to everyone who walked into the service. I also collected the tithes with another girl. I'm not sure for how long I was really high, I'm not really sure most of the time when I'm high. I enjoy the feeling though, I work on another level. This shames me that I always have to feel this way. At the moment I'm really high writing this, I need prayers. The service was great Pastor Joseph interviewed a women who runs an amazing congregation in Kenya. She said the Lord is changing lives in the heart of the worst slum in the world. The church I attend; Ecclesia, sends a team to Kenya every year, when they return they tell stories and it has always intrigued me. During these talks I've always had this image of having a small clothing business in Kenya. I think people become truly happy when they learn how to make things. With that in mind what she said next blew my mind. The church teaches all the uneducated how to sew dresses! Wow I have a team to make my clothes and they are believers like myself. Take a minute today and please pray for the people of Kenya.
The rest of the service was very interesting also. Pastor Joseph started a series called All In, this refers to us giving up our lives so we can gain eternal life. The service ended with one of my favorite passages, JOHN 12:23-26.

Jesus replied "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant will also be. My father will honor the one who serves me."

What a great passage. Prayer requests are always welcome. I found out recently a friend of mine's father is very sick with cancer. My friend Zacarias I had mentioned before is doing a little better and been able to leave the hospital. Go in peace brothers and sisters in Christ

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I was worrying about money

I reached into my bag today to get out my notebook. Inside the notebook is where I write down all of my little expenses. I was about to figure out how I was going to spend my next check when I noticed my little black bible. I picked it up and decided to read a little scripture before any thing. Well after flipping through a few pages I found LUKE 12:22-26.

Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. "Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you can not do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

Well I put the notebook away and wrote this. Thank you almighty Lord Jesus, your suffering on the cross has saved me for all eternity. In your name all things are possible, AMEN.

Please contact me for any prayer requests. Oh please keep praying for Zacahrias, the crohns is really doing a number on her. Pray for my friend Mark, he has had a bad throat infection for a month now. Please pray for my former Rick who is readjusting to being back home from an extended stay in the hospital. Also for Tommy who is now taking care of him, he is going to need them.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Thanks to anyone who prayed for me, my quick trip to Alaska went well. I hitchhiked 300 miles over an 8 hour period and Lord be praised the only time it was really raining was when I was already in cars. The photo bellow is my bestie Audra, I went up for her surprise 30th birthday. Great times, I felt very blessed that it all worked out.
Photo: One of the biggest surprises of the night!   You're the best!

The temptation part of my post involves the copious amount of drugs awaiting me when I get home. I really do not want to smoke any weed. Please pray for me, I have this need, or should I say desire to get as high as possible. I want to forget something, but I'm not sure what. Pray for me brothers and sisters and ask that the Lord takes away this compulsion that I have.
 Please send any prayer requests you might have, go in peace friends.

Friday, August 16, 2013

More prayers my brothers and sisters in Christ

My friend Zacarias still needs prayers since she is back in the hospital with vomiting and diarrhea. We ask that Zacarias' faith in our Risen Lord will heal her body. In the Lord's name all things are possible.
 I ask for prayers for me as I embark on a trip up north for a surprise birthday party. I will be hitchhiking for some of the trip so I'm asking the Lord to watch over me ask I travel.
 I also ask for the Lord's healing power to touch Joseph who lies in ICU, he has a wife Cynthia and a 9 year old daughter Alex. We pray that the Lord help the doctors find out what is wrong with Joseph and start him on the right treatment so he will be healed quickly. We also ask Lord that you put a calmness over the hearts of his family and everyone who he has touched. Let the Lord keep them reserved so there emotions don't overcome them. We ask all these things in your name Oh Risen Lord, because in your name all things are possible while everything not of your name is to be ash, praise you Jesus! AMEN

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The power of our father

I have been very proud lately; this is not a trait I like but I know I've enjoyed acting that way. I have many behaviors I am currently trying to end. I disappoint myself and the Lord on a daily basis with this behavior. I ask the Lord to please take away my urge for instant gratification. I want to be as high as possible, having an orgasm or just doing nothing so badly most of the time. It makes me feel gross when I lower myself to this level. I ask the same as I always ask "please Lord take away my shortcomings and these evil desires that I let into my heart along time ago" in your name all things are possible.

Last night I got a flat tire while driving my bosses car. The truck's spare tire was underneath the truck and needed a special crank to get it off. Well the crank was gone and the AAA guy couldn't do anything but offer a tow. I didn't have money for the tow and my boss needed her truck the next morning for work. Fortunately after 2 hours of praying the Lord provided us with a a tool to get the tire down. It wasn't the best night but I was thankful with the way the Lord made everything work out.

I have some prayer requests. Please e-mail me any prayer requests you may have. My friend Zacarias has crohns disease, it has been bothering her for a while and has been in the hospital quite a few times recently. We ask the Lord to heal Zacarias and let her go back to the life that she had before. I could use some prayers for an adventure I'm going on this weekend. I ask for the angels of the Lord to stand behind me during my trip and watch out for my safety. I also ask the Lord to put me where he wants and with who ever needs to know his message and know his Love.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Please Lord

Please Lord take away my need to always smoke weed, I know there are medical benefits to using it but I do not have those needs currently. Thank you for all you have given me, also forgive me of the pride that I have. In your name all things are possible, Amen. If anyone has any prayer requests send them too me. If anyone who is listening please pray for my friend T's little brother in Sacramento, he is having kidney failure. It's all in the hands of the Lord now.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Loving the Lord

I recently went home to Alaska, the trip was very nice and it gave me the chance to share some of the ways the Lord has been working in my life. I'm still bothered by flying and trying with the prayer to over come that fear. I can say i handled myself pretty well on the flights and was lucky enough to sleep for a majority of the flights. I was able to make one service at my home church and it was amazing. I really felt the presence of the Lord, so much that during praise and worship I started crying. It's moments like that where I feel so blessed to have the Lord in my life. With all that said I'm still screwing up, I'm still putting my own wishes in front of the Lord. Drugs and sex are still a big draw for me, It hurts me to know that sometimes I would rather fill the hole inside me with ash then the power of Christ. I'm a lowly sinner O Lord, I ask for you to cleanse me and take my unclean desires away. Help me spread your gospel to the four corners of the world. Thank you  Jesus, everything is possible with your Love.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The first thing I read this morning

I started my morning by open my little pocket bible to a random page. It opened on James1, and it really spoke to me this morning.
 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all things he does."

Wow what a powerful message. How much our Lord loved us! He has given us everything we will ever need and the knowledge and truth to live with him forever.

Peace be with you all brothers and sisters in Christ

Monday, July 15, 2013

My first post in a while

I've always felt that my life resembles our Lord's parable about the 3 seeds. I'm the seed that grows fast but doesn't have strong roots so I get blown over very easy. While I've been making mistakes lately I've been very good about not trying to just have sex with women. Recently I lost some weight and I have been getting extra attention from women. This has made being abstinent a tad harder. This feeling that I'm not happy unless I'm with somebody is still there but I know that it can't control me. Nothing more really to say, If anyone has any prayer requests please let me know.

I forgot I have this to report, Walter is doing great in Northern California, he is using half as many asthma inhalers a month and his doctor has taken him off his sleeping and high blood pressure medicine. It just shows that all things are possible in the name of our Risen Lord Jesus

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Put me where you want me Father

Lord Jesus I ask you too put me where you think I should be. Lead me to the person who needs prayer and is ready to hear the greatest message they will ever hear. Lead me to those who need to be healed, so that I may lay my hands on them and be used as a vessel for your healing powers. Thank you for all the gifts you have given me, thank you Father for keeping me alive even when I was working against you. Keep my faith strong and Satan out of my way, for all things are possible through you Risen Lord.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I feel like I'm doing the right thing

I have attended a few CODA and RA(rageaholics) meetings recently. This is not my first attempt at a 12 step program. This is the first time that I made a moral inventory and a list of people I have harmed. I have made amends too one person so far; while it did not go exactly as planned I'm still excited about my future. I'm so happy to have the Risen Lord as my higher power, he will give me all I ever ask for and more that I don't even need. I have been reading the moral inventory on a regular basis. It's nice to be able to stop in the middle of thought and realize this is some of the behavior that I shouldn't be doing. The Lord has done so many wondrous things in my life in the last few months, I feel so Loved and lucky. 

On sad news my Aunt Donna Hamilton had a mini stroke recently and has lost some feeling in her hand amongst other things. She has been a shining beacon for me in my pursuit of Christ. All prayers for her would be appreciated. 

Peace be with you all, please email me for any prayer requests

Monday, June 24, 2013

Moving our Church

Last night the congregation at Ecclesia celebrated the years we spent at the Pacific Theater in Hollywood. After a great tribute to the years there; we lowered the cross that had been with us since the begining and carried it too the new church. I think we all know what it means to pick up our cross and follow the Lord a little better.

Check out this really funny video our church filmed for the cross over to the new church.
<iframe src="" width="504" height="284" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

The five of us had the great oppurtunity to carry our churches cross the .8 mile down to the Hollywood Adventist church where we will start having service on July 7th. I'm the 2nd from the right.

Peace be with you brothers and sisters in Christ.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Getting ready for the big Church move

This Sunday will be the 2nd to last Ecclesia's service at it's old Pacific theatre location. We are only moving about a mile away, to Hollywood's big 7th Day Adventist church next to the 101. I'll miss the Church, it's the first place in Los Angeles I have felt the touch of the Holy Spirit. I have faith though that the Lord is going to move his flock to bigger and better things. The cool thing is now we will now have 3 services on Sunday, including a 5pm service. Sunday night will be an amazing saying goodbye to the old theatre service, looking forward to what happens. Sunday July 7th will be the first service in the new location.  Prayer brothers and sisters of Christ and peace be with you.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Holy Spirit

For such a long time all I've ever done is ask the Lord for forgiveness, nothing more nothing less. I realized this last weekend that I should have been asking to be over filled with the Holy Spirit when I was doing all these things that I need to be forgiven for. I went to my first ever rageaholic anonymous meeting on Monday. I'm usually a pretty laid back guy but there are times where I get very anxious and throw a tantrum because of traffic or something else silly. So I'm hoping to work on that so I will quit adding chaos to the world. Thank you for all the prayers I can feel the Lord working inside me. Peace be with you brothers and sisters in Christ

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pray for my church

Every Wednesday at noon the flock our our church pray for a new location. We are out of our current location at the end of June. We start our first service at a 7th Day Adventist church about a mile away July 7th. We are praying that the Lord finds us a new location so that we will have a permanent home. Please any prayers would help. Peace be with you brothers and sisters in Christ!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Please Lord take away my shortcomings

I am a very weak person. I constantly go against the followings and the great gift our Risen Lord has offered to all of us. It's so strange to think beyond where we currently are in life. I don't mean in the sense of growing old and getting new jobs and children and those life issues. I can't see this point where I die and then meet our Lord. It reminds me of when Jesus refers to his Father's return and says that even he does not know on what day that will be. I have felt for a while now that If I were to expire any time soon I would be judged by our Father and thrown in too eternal suffering. I have found it is easy to put these thoughts out of my head when I am really trying to get laid. I have been abstinent for only a few days and I want so badly to go watch porn on my I Pad in the bathroom. I have let the enemy into my mind and he has corrupted me. It's strange how long I have worshiped God while really being loyal to the serpent. I ask our Lord to take my shortcomings and anything else that prevents me from being over filled by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.
Take my explosive anger, take my devious plotting, take my lust for my fellow sisters in Christ, take my sarcastic wit and the sting it leaves on others, take my gluttonous need to constantly fill my body with poison and take the lazy life style I have grown accustomed too. With your light and love Lord all of this is possible. Please Lord direct me to those I can serve and to those who will not lead me astray. I have nothing but dust with out you Lord, thank you again!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

prayer requests?

If anyone has any prayer requests please let me know!!!

felt the Lord's power today

I felt really focused on my bike ride into work today. I tried to actually focus on what was going on instead of the petty trivial things that are usually in my head. When I got to work today(things have not been going well business wise) I shouted very loudly "that this business belongs to the Risen Lord Jesus Christ and in his name this place is clean of any spirits that might be stopping business or holding us back"! I think I might of said it a little better than that but I was kind of swept up in the whole thing. Then about 5 minutes later a patron walked in to the shop. This was his third trip to the studio and this time he brought two new people. As soon as I got done giving the new people a tour another customer arrived. He knew exactly what he wanted and he was out the door 20 minutes later. My operating system is on a PC, not a fan! The other people put some items on hold and should be back in a week to rent! Very excited to see the way the Lord is working in my life. Thank you all for the prayers I can fell there power. Peace be with you!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

feeling blessed

I feel blessed today. I feel at ease today about a few things that have been bothering me. I also got an answered prayer last night. Walter called from Eureka, he has a place to stay! He got a room in a clean & sober living facility. He is sharing the place with 20 other people but he seems happy. It also turns out to be near everything he needs, senior center(free meals on the week days), post office & the social security office. So he is happy, well as happy as he can be with his failing health, but even that is all really in the Lord's hands. He can keep Walter going as long as he wants.

Thank you Lord Jesus for all you have given me, please help me stay strong against the powers of the enemy. I do my best Lord but I feel very weak. Help me build my strength in you oh Lord!

Peace be with you all

Monday, May 20, 2013

the Lord's plan for us

Last night during my Alpha class we discussed to Lord's plan for us. Nicky Gumble gave quite a few examples in his life and in people he knew about the Lord putting people where they belong. I think my eyes have been closed too what the Lord wants from me. I feel like when I pray I'm just telling Jesus allot of things but I'm not really listening to his will. I need to slow down more and listen for the Lord. There is an idea that the Lord might have put in my head, but I'm not sure if it came from him though. So I'm going to pray on it and see what the Lord does about it.

I got word on Sunday about my friend Walter in Eureka, he is still alive and is staying at a homeless shelter. He told our mutual friend thanks for the prayer it seems to be working. For a guy who is not a believer I find that really amazing!! It just proves that all things are possible in our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus.

Two weekends from now the Alpha class is going on a retreat. I'm very excited, were going to be out there for about 24 hours. They have a ton of games and events too do but I think my plan is to find some where nice and just chill and enjoy the Lord's beautiful day.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers, peace be with you.

Friday, May 17, 2013

prayers for Walter

Walter left the hotel room he is staying at in Eureka, I;m not sure if he has a place to stay but I'm sure he has something figured out. Please pray for him brothers and sisters in Christ. Peace be with you

not doing great

Things are going okay in my physical life. I'm not making a ton of money but I like my job and think big things will come from it eventually. My major problem is my soul, it's damaged. Satan has his claws in me pretty deep. I would be lying if I said anything different. He has so much power over the things that I do. I'm very ashamed and pray allot(between devilish deeds) but keep trying to get into trouble. I love the Lord and need his guidance. I try to read Proverbs everyday, lots of wisdom in that book. Looking forward to church this weekend and the Alpha class after that. I've missed the last three videos so I will have to watch those and catch up. Alpha class has the getaway in two weeks, I think that might just be the highlight of my summer. Pray for me, and peace be with you in our Risen Lord!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

answered prayers

I'm friends with a man in his 70's who had decided to kill himself last month. He has terminal cancer and a few other health issues that make living life difficult. My friend is not a believer and it actually quite against religeon in general. I prayed quite a bit on the subject and told several members of my church about it also. My friend told me later that he tried his hardest to pull the trigger but he just couldn't do it. He even went as far as to drink a bottle and a half of vodka to get the courage. Of course the Lord's will was done and he didn't do it. He has now decided to except dying and try to enjoy the rest of the time he has. His last request from me was that he wanted to move out of LA and go to Eureka a small city in the northern part of California. So last Friday I rented a car and drove him the 750 miles up there. He is staying at a hotel right now but the room will be up soon and he will have to find a place before that. His name is Walter and he could use all the prayers you can muster. Peace be with you all.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

praying for the Lord's help

I just found out that the IRS is going to seize the business I work for in 2 weeks. The problem stems from the 2011 taxes that were not filled out properly. I believe that the Lord will work out this problem and if he doesn't then it's not his will for me to work here any more. I thank the Lord for all he has given me and for the chance at everlasting life through his sacrifice. Other than that I also have some nerve damage in my face after I had some wisdom teeth removed last week. I've been doing allot of drugs and eating way too much food lately, I'm not proud of either of these facts. I have a sex addicts meeting tomorrow in the morning and know I need this very badly. Pray for me friends, peace be with you.

Friday, May 3, 2013

made it too my first ssa meeting today

I got up at 6:30 this morning and felt very much like going back to sleep till 8. I knew I had to wake up and go to this SSA meeting in North Hollywood. If I didn't I would have one more out of control week. It's strange to realize how screwed up and addicted to weird stuff I am. I have allot of different triggers. The last week that I have been in my addiction I am ashamed to say that I rarely thought of the Lord. This pains my heart. It shows where I put the Risen Lord on my list of priorities. He is great if I don't have any drugs or porn. This is all stuff I have to work on. I'm praying that the Lord will help me find a good sponsor. I'm also going to San Diego this weekend. I hope we don't hang out with too many women. I don't want to be tempted. I'm pretty tempted at the moment. Thank you Lord Jesus for the Love that you show for us your humble children. Please Lord Jesus my faith is not as strong as I want it to be but I still Love you with all that I have, please Lord grant me strength in you so  that I may say no to the things that will harm me and hide your Light from me. Peace be with you all brethren in Christ

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Back too my old ways

I've been partying since Thursday. I'm disappointed in myself, not so much for the drug use, the main reason is the constantly lustful thoughts. I have to make it too the sex addicts meeting tomorrow morning. I need a sponsor very quickly so I have someone to be held accountable too. Other than all my recent troubles things are going okay. Friday night at my church Ecclesia were giving out free coffee to the homeless of Hollywood. Were starting at 10:30 and going past midnight, it should be pretty fun. The week after that I'm helping with a big clean up at the church. Were still probably moving in July so there are allot of things to be done. Pray for me brothers and sisters in Christ as I pray for you. Peace be with you

Friday, April 26, 2013

obsessed with money

I have a hard time not thinking about money and the bills I have to pay. The worst part is I have plenty of money to pay everything but i still have a obsessive compulsion to make list and think about how I am going to spend every dollar. I ask the Lord to take this away from me. This was a quick entry, now back to work. Peace be with you

Thursday, April 25, 2013

our Church needs a new home

My church Ecclesia is located on Hollywood Blvd at an old amazing theater. Unfortunately we found out a few months ago that the owners are renewing the lease. The church has been having prayer at noon every Wednesday in the hopes of the Lord finding us a great new place. As of last week we found two locations, neither are big enough for our needs, we have 1000 people in our congregation. If we go to either of these locations we will have to have 3 services every Sunday. If your the praying type please pray that the committee looking for our new location gets guidance from the Lord. Help guide them too the right location and too the right people who will help us. Also if your in the Hollywood area stop on by and check out our church, we would love too see you. Peace be with you brothers and sisters in Christ.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

sex addiction

I have a problem with sex. I also have a problem with porn. I feel like both of these things are a barrier from feeling the true love of our Risen Lord. I was exposed to porn at a very young age and enjoy looking at it very much. I would say of all my addiction this is the one that is the hardest for me to control. I will look at adult scenes for hours with out even beginning to pleasure myself. But as soon as I am done with the act of self gratification I feel a deep shame. This usually involves the type of material I am viewing and the bizarre things I am thinking about. I need to get in some sort of 12 step program, I have found one at my church (Ecclesia) but the late time and the distance from my hard make going very difficult. This is a great excuse for an addict. I need to find a group near my house. The longest I have gone with out looking at porn is about a year. This is when I was committed relationship with the only girl that I have ever loved. I wasn't looking at porn but I was still self pleasuring myself to the same bizarre scenarios. Sex on the other hand is a little more difficult to come by and is usually not so satisfying either since I don't feel much unless I have strong feelings for the person. Besides that I feel pretty good with my life. Work is starting to pick up(I work in the film industry and my work is all freelance) and I'm building great relationships with friends at church. The Alpha class is amazing, (I suggest anyone who has the chance to take the class should) and I just found out that the first weekend of June the class is going on a weekend trip to the mountains of San Bernadino. This will be great since I have not had a vacation in long time. I've been trying to start my mornings with reading the New Testament and have been getting allot of knowledge out of Proverbs. Pray for me my friends and peace be with you.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Alpha class

I started the Alpha class last night at Ecclesia. It's a ten week course that has been around for close to 30 years. Each week the class starts with dinner. Last night was chicken, Spanish rice and fruit salad. After we ate and got to know each of the people at our table we watched a video. The subject of the video was a Vicker in the Church of England talking about his experiences in his early life as an atheist. Then he talked about how he was always missing something. The video lasted about 40 minutes. We had a short break, rice krispy treats were served and we started to discuss what we thought about the video. There are four people at my table, this is who we will sit next too for the rest of the time. I had a great group lots of interesting ideas, one guy goes to church at Ecclesia but is not sure if he believes in anything. It's great to have the Lord put this person with us. He will bring a fresh perspective to our beliefs and hopefully he will grow to discover the everlasting love of our Risen Lord. Well it's time for bed till tomorrow.  

Friday, April 5, 2013

I've been angry today

I was almost ran over today by some kids racing through Glendale in a Mercedes. I yelled at them and then rode my bike a few blocks out of the way so I could scream at them again when they parked at a 7-11. It was funny because they just stared at me while I threatened the 4 of them with the police. That was my 2nd time losing my temper today. My blind one legged roommate came home last night. He was very emotional early in the day and was crying allot. He had been in the hospital for a while. Well he fell asleep around 6 and woke up around midnight. I had been meaning to have a conversation with him when he was released. He does some very hypocritical things and loves to bring up Christ on a regular basis. He woke me up a few times, the last time was at 2:30 am, I stayed up with him for an hour, made him a sandwich and fed him. He was able to move around okay but still insisted that I feed him. At 3:30 I told him I had to sleep because I had to work at 6am. He said his stomach was hurting and I guess he wanted me to stay up with him. I've known pain more than a few times and have been grateful for the chairity of other. I told him to go to sleep, 30 minutes later I was still not able to sleep when I heard a thump. My roommate had decided to go for a walk, of course with out a leg he fell right to the ground. I helped him up and was a little angry with him but I also didn't care, he has lived a self destructive life and this is just one more thing. I'm not sure what to do, I don't know if I want to live with him any more, he is going to be in the hospital for a while. At the same time I know that if he wanted to come back to the house I would gladly take care of them. I need guidance from the Lord and prayers, I need my roommates heart and mind to open. I've asked for forgiveness and the power from the Lord to be a better stronger person. Praise the Risen Lord and peace be with you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

last weekend

I did allot of drugs this last weekend, I just wanted to unwind a little and I also went to a rave. I had always enjoyed drugs, I don't care about laws, I think all that stuff is silly. When I was high on MDMA I started to think about things. I'm not sure what happened but I couldn't stop thinking about all the people I've wronged.  I also thought about serving 2 masters. I started emailing and calling people, I hit my brother up first, we had some family issues from the mid 90's that I always wanted to talk about. I called my ex girlfriend, I got her voice mail and just started crying. Were meeting next week to talk. I emailed a nice girl I had coffee with a few months before but she wasn't interested in hanging out again. It wasn't that big of deal, she wasn't really my type but she was very nice and I got a sense of strong faith. Well I never responded to her email(put it off for a day that became 4 months) and was now embarrased every time I would see here. Well I emailed her and apologized and I was excited to get a email very quickly back that was very nice. I also emailed 2 girls I had slept with who had wanted much more from me than I was willing to give. I have allot of shame for the things I have done. This is my 2nd day of sobriety, I'm praying to the Lord to help me. My roommate Rick could use some prayers also. He has been pretty sick for a while, I'm not sure how much longer he has. My good friend in San Diego had a hearing today. I'm not sure how it went but I'm praying that he gets another chance. Thank you Lord Jesus for all the things you have given me.

Friday, March 22, 2013

my problems

There are allot of things that I am not proud of, but even worse than that are some of the things I am proud of. I love pornography and of course the real thing. I'm proud of how many drugs I can do, very shameful thing to take pride in. I'm angry allot, I'm mad at strangers walking down the street. At least 10 times a day I come up with a scenario in my head where a stranger near me insults me for no reason and this becomes an imaginary war in my head. I scream at them and some times even fight them. The thing is I would never fight anyone. I punched 1 person 10 years ago and still feel bad about it. I'm also mad allot at people who I see has wronging me. I stew allot in my own head about what these people have done to me. The last group that I am angry with are people who would consider me a friend. The problem is I might not like these people any more, I hang out with a few people because I think it's the Christian thing too do, help other. The problem is I resent these people and I also have imaginary arguments with them. I ask the Risen Lord Jesus Christ to bind Satan's influence in my life and give me the strength to love and let the past go. Thank you Lord, please pray for me.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

trying to only serve one master

I went to go visit my best friend last weekend. I was traveling a hundred or so miles to visit him and I was going to stay with him. When I got there I couldn't get a hold of him and had to rent a hotel room. I prayed allot that the Lord would reveal my friend to me. I remember being mad a few times during the weekend that I couldn't get a hold of him. I knew something had to be wrong for him too not get back to me. During those days he was missing I prayed but I also played scenarios in my mind where he called me out of the blue with some stupid excuse and I would always get mad in my head. I'm ashamed of those thoughts as I should be overjoyed with any news from him. Three days after I got there I finally was able to find out that hew had been incarcerated the whole time. He is still in jail so prayers would be appreciated, I'm still not sure what he did. The point of this whole story is that the first thought I had when I found out he was in jail was if I could lie and become his alibi. I realized my love and devotion to my friend would put me at odds to our Father in Heaven and his plans. It's a tough lesson for me, I want to be the friend who can be counted on to make everything right. The problem is I'm not the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, nothing is done through me with out first going through Him. I can not save anyone, If you stand with me you stand against the Lord. I like allot of people have a personal code, unfortunately some of the rules I follow are against God's Law.

I'm just a sinner, I am not worthy of the Lord's Love but he has given it too me any way. I love and thank Jesus for all that I have.