Wednesday, November 27, 2013


For 36 hours now I have had severe pain in my right foot, I believe it might be gout. Please pray for me, all is possible in the Lord's name. Please contact me if anyone has any prayer requests.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Please Lord take my Pride

I've been very prideful as of late, that mixed with my drug use has made me very angry and all about myself.  ask the Lord to take the pride and anger away from me. I'm a sinner who is not worthy of our Fathers redemption and yet I know he will always forgive me. He is the perfect Father, his love is above all else. In his name all things are possible. Please contact me with any prayer requests you may have.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Prayer Requests

I'm going to throw out a quick prayer and save the rest for tomorrow. It's very wet tonight in Los Angeles and I love to say a prayer for all those on the street who don't have a warm place to go tonight. One of them in particular lives near my work in Burbank. His name is Prentice, he usually wears shorts and a t-shirt so I know he must be cold. Please pray that our Father helps our fellow brothers & sisters who are not as well off as us.

Community Group Tonight

I love my every other Wednesday community group! :) Tonight in North Hollywood we will be discussing last Sunday's sermon at Ecclesia. Last Sunday's sermon was about praying and what we learned from our Risen Lord about praying. I didn't enjoy the sermon on Sunday, praying is something I feel like I have down already. My biggest problem is remembering when to pray. I feel like man's biggest flaw is our faith in ourselves. We really believe we can do any thing. I know that happens to me allot, when in reality I have no power whatsoever.  Will have some more prayer requests tonight after the group. God Bless brothers and sisters.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Prayer Requests

Lots of people need the Lord's prayers right now. My friend Zacarias is still having flare ups of her Crohn's. I have some friends who could use some prayers for their business, more customers. I'm still praying for a job opportunity I might get at the end of the month. Please pray for our brothers and sisters who have not found the Love our Father. Please send me any prayer requests you may have

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Good News

My friend who was going to court just got awarded full custody!!! Our prayers to the Lord were answered! Praise our Father! She has court again in December to decide what he will be paying. Please pray that the Lord keeps doing what is his will and takes care of all parties involved. Praise be to the Lord!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Being humbled

I screwed up at work last week. Before I screwed up though I was convinced that I was 100 percent right! I was even angry about how right I was!! Well it turned out I was wrong, more then wrong I fell flat on my face. My boss called me out on all of it and it felt really good being humbled. I felt better being told I was wrong then when I was convinced that I was right. I thank the Lord for the redemption that I don't deserve.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Not Happy Again

I've gone back to smoking pot, I'm enjoying it at the moment but I definitely know this an artificial high. I have not been reading the bible as much as I was. I made it one month no big deal, I didn't even think about it. Now here it is one week back into my disease. I wonder if this will kill me, when I do allot of drugs I think about serving two masters. You can only love one, I definitely think more about the drugs when I'm doing them then I think about our Risen Lord. Please pray for me. If your looking for anyone else to pray for please look at my last posting, their are a ton of us who need to be touched by the holy spirit. Peace be with you

Thursday, November 7, 2013

More Prayers

A friend of mine is going to court tomorrow against her ex who is suing for custody. She has no family here in the states except for her two beautiful children. Her ex is verbally abusive and his very large family has been bullying her via text message for the last few months. We pray for the Lord to give her peace and let the judge do what is in God's plan. Because he knows all that we really need!!

Prayer Requests

So I have a few extra prayer requests today. My friend Chris' sister Heidi is still suffering from Lime disease but her very intense treatment is over so she is going to DC soon for a check up. Pray that the Lord destroys this disease every where it lives in her and she can get back to her life and her 5 little children who need their mom. My friend Zacarias is still suffering from Crons and is still spending allot of time in the hospital. Pray she gets out soon and can enjoy her life again. My friend Brian's uncle died last week, that side of Brian's family were not believers but lets hope that this loss brings his family in to our Father's flock. I have another prayer request for a young women in Minnesota, she is my friends sister (21) and was just diagnosed with epilepsy. We should also pray for her mother and uncle who are both dealing with drinking problems, those problems of course also effect this young women and we pray that the Lord covers this family with love that will end the strife. Prayers are still needed for my friend who I mentioned was rushed to the ER a few days ago. Praise the Lord it was not cancer but it was still pretty bad, prayers for her and her husband as they try to move on with things. I'm sure my ex roommate Rick (who I am no longer talking too) could use some prayers. He lost most of the people who hung out with him when we had our falling out. Pray the Lord heals the many things wrong with him and helps him live an easier pain free life. Pray for the villagers of Elim Alaska, I met a teacher from the village this summer, she told me the suicide rate is 25 - 50% within 5 years of graduation, how sad. Pray that the Lord brings his everlasting hope into their hearts and shows them that he has many wondrous things to show them. In his name all things are possible. Please contact me with any prayer requests

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Listening to Ecclesia's podcast

I missed church last Sunday and tonight is my discussion group, uh oh!! So I went to Ecclessia's website and found the podcast. Sunday started a new teaching series about how to pray properly. I'll be on here again later tonight to post prayer requests; if any one has a request please message me , and I will include it, discretion is always practiced. Check out the link to the podcast below. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Forgot a Prayer

A good friend of mine has had to make an emergency trip to the hospital. Prayers for her please. She is an amazing person, I'm not sure why she is going to the hospital but I know her family has a history of cancer so I'm hoping it's not that. Please pray

One Month Sober off drugs

I officially have one day sober today off of drugs. I feel very blessed to have been able to go this long. Since I started using drugs 15 years ago this the 5th longest time I have ever been sober. I've done 6 months once, 3 months twice and 6 weeks once. I'm hoping the Lord can keep his healing powers on me and take this addiction way forever.
I had to work this weekend so I missed church but my plan is to listen to the podcast tomorrow and then have discussion about it on Wednesday with my community group. The other community group I'm in is meeting on Saturday and we are going to be cooking lunch for about a 90 kids and their parents at the Ronald McDonald House. I'm very excited about that!! If things work out we will be doing this one Saturday a month for the rest of the year.
In the prayer department my friend Wendy is in desperate need still and Zacarias is back in the hospital. I'm also requesting prayers for myself, I'm for a job that I really would love to get. I'm asking the Lord to do what he can for me! I have another friend who will remain nameless who is feeling lost at the moment and needs the Lord's guidance more than ever.
Please contact me with any prayer requests, go in peace brothers and sisters in Christ and have a great week :)