Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I have a few prayer requests for some of my friends. My friend Zacararias needs prayers for Cron's she is throwing up every few minutes as we speak. My friend Eve has been having really bad two day long migraines. My friend Chris' sister Heidi has Lyme disease and is going through a very intense treatment for that. She also has 5 children that she barely can take care of because of the disease, so please pray for her husband who is doing allot on his own. Please pray for my friend Wendy and her husband, I'm not sure about what but I know our Risen Lord does. My friend Owen asked for some prayers so he can be as good a father as he can be. My former roommate Rick who is always very sick could always use prayers. We know that all things are possible in the name of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ, even touching his cloak is enough to cure all that ailed those of the past. Peace be with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ecclessia Community Group

So tonight was the first official meeting of the community group I joined through my church. Besides fellowship the main focus of the group is too discuss the sermon of the Sunday before. The meeting takes place in North Hollywood at a friends house. Tonight's discussion was about Romans 12 and being a living sacrifice. The other major topic was too let the Lord have vengeance since it is his and not ours. I brought up my former roommate who I did quite a bit for and said some very nasty things about me in August. I don't talk to him any more and I'm not sure if that is good but I still pray for him on the regular. The group seems good, I was able to openly talk about my drug and sex addiction. I've actually been sober for two and a half weeks, I'm proud of that. I joined another community group that starts meeting on Saturday, this group will have us going to the Ronald McDonald house and talking to sick children, I'm very excited about this! I feel very blessed to be where I'm at right now.

On the prayer front my friend Chris' sister Heidi has Lime disease and could use all the prayers you can muster. If anyone has any prayer requests please message me.

Peace be with you brothers and sisters in Christ.