Friday, February 21, 2014

Grateful for today

I feel very blessed by our Risen Lord Jesus Christ today :))) It's a beautiful sunny day in Los Angeles and I feel like the Lord is just blasting doors open for me! I've been going through allot lately and even though I have not solved all my problems I just feel very happy. I don't think God ever wanted us to worry, when he made us it wasn't in the original model. I always think of the bird who's never even thought about going to a fast food place to eat, and how much more does the Lord love us than that bird. Please contact me if you have any prayer requests :))) If you get a chance please pray for my new car to be able to pass smog! I only ask because I know faith can lift mountains and throw them in the ocean. Peace be with you my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

1st Day Sober

Today is my first day of sobriety. I'm starting a 12 week study and I'll be paid the longer I'm sober. I'm praying for the Lord to help me on this journey that I'm about to take. I'm also praying that I don't look for satisfaction elsewhere, whether that's overeating or trying to get laid from strange women. Prayers always help, and if anyone has any prayer requests please let me know.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Please pray for my friend Karis's son, he has been having some stomach issues. We pray that the Lord cures him of what ails him. In the Lord's name all is possible, Amen!

Please pray for me I'm about to enter a drug program. I'm hoping this will help me with my addiction.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Quick Prayer

Quick prayer request for Emily who is fighting to get better in surgical ICU. We pray that the Lord cures her of what ails her and gets her back to her family safe and sound. In his name all things are possible, AMEN!

Sad news and prayers

I learned today that my former roommate Rick passed away a few days ago. Anyone familiar with my blog knows about the falling out I had with Rick a few months ago. Even with all that I had still been praying for him whenever I got the chance. I'm not sure what finally took him but I'm assuming it was due to complications from diabetes. If you have diabetes praying will help but you also have to watch what you eat. Rick had a strong faith in the Lord and I know he was expecting this to happen sooner than later, it's sad he was only 46. 
I also wanted to ask for some prayer requests for all the homeless people here in Los Angeles. It was raining tonight and it has been very cold in the city over the last few months. A few of the churches in Hollywood have gotten together for Winter Refuge, basically a sanctuary for homeless people to come, eat and have a place to stay.

If anyone has any prayer requests please let me know and don't forget that all things are possible in his name, AMEN!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thankful to the Lord

Two weeks ago I was in a very bad place. Today I can say I'm very blessed! In the last week I started a new part time job, made some money writing and got a car. I have not had a car since March of 2012, it's very exciting all these doors that our Risen Lord has opened for me.
In prayer news my friend has returned from China safely. I mentioned that my home town in Alaska (Valdez) had been cutoff from the rest of the state by an avalanche. Well good news the road is suppose to be opened today. Everyone survived thanks for all the prayers!! Please send me any prayer requests you may have.

My home email is

Have a blessed week