Thursday, December 19, 2013

Prayers for a Friend

My friend Brian is having a meeting in about 15 minutes with someone he finds very unpleasant. Pray that the Lord closes this mans mouth so he doesn't say so many disrespectful things to Brain and his co workers. Please also pray the man listens to reason and fact. We pray these things in Jesus name, AMEN!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hope all is Well

Hope everyone is having a glorious afternoon! Things are beautiful where I'm at right now. I'm feeling pretty good, in a little bit of pain but that will be gone soon I'm sure. Had a few negative things happen this morning so far but still staying positive that it's all part of the Lord's plan. Peace be with you I'm always praying for all of you!

Monday, December 16, 2013


Hope everyone had a blessed weekend. I had a really fun time, it seemed to be a tad warmer in Los Angeles the last couple of days. I was excited on Sunday too see that an old friend of mine was at church, he has always been anti religion so it was great to see the Lord working in his life. Today I'm asking for some prayers for myself. I'm actually waiting to hear back from a possible new client for my work. If this deal went through then that would be real great for me. In his name all things are possible. If you have any prayer requests please let me know, remember prayers and compliments don't cost anything!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

I ask for a Prayer

I've had a strange nerve pain that would come and go for the last four years. The pain has became more profound as of late. I'm asking for prayers for the Lord to heal what ails me. I know in his name all things are possible, Amen!!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Money problems, who doesn't have them?

Man has became dependant on money, I would say more so than God. It's the capitalist mantra, money makes everything better. I hope I don't sound like a socialist because I love making and spending money.  This time of year things become extra crazy, on top of the bills we have to pay just to live we also feel obligated to buy people things they probably don't even need. Life has became about feeling good right now, instead of about the future and the wonderful place our Lord has prepared for us. I've been living pretty close to the poverty line for the last couple of years, it isn't fun but the Lord always provides for me. Four days ago I was wondering about how I was going to pay my bills, let alone buy Christmas presents. I want to say I didn't worry, but I did, and then I would say a prayer and would feel better. Today I have money in the bank, bills are paid and I have enough left over for the two presents I want to buy. All I can say is God is great and he loves us and always takes care of us like the children that we are.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Life's tough

Update on my request yesterday. My friend was arrested but it had to do with some warrants he had out for his arrest and not being under the influence. So I'm not sure if that's good or not, I was hoping this would be a wake up call to his bad decision making. Please keep praying that he find the path that out Lord has prepared for him. In his name all things are possible!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Beautiful Day

I feel very blessed to be alive today! I've felt a calmness today even though chaos is brimming all around me. Thank you Lord for all the gifts you have given me! I pray that all who are lost find their way to you. In your name all things are possible, Amen!

Last minute prayer for a good friend of mine who has just been arrested. He has a drug problem and I'm not sure what that plays into the arrest. All the prayers are needed!!

Monday, December 9, 2013


Let's not forget to pray for all those with out a place to stay tonight. I live in Los Angeles and it's cold here tonight. I can't even imagine what it's like in the rest of the country. Could you please pray for George and Prentice, they are two homeless individuals I know in Burbank. I hope the Lord has found them some where warm to stay for this season. Prayer requests are always welcome

Blessed for What I Have

I can't say that things are ideal for me right now, but I have a strong faith that all is going to work out. I've had a few set backs in my professional life, so I've been praying allot that the Lord opens a new door for me. In the lives of people around me my friend Erin can use some prayers for some pressure she is under. I think this time of year we should be praying for everyone, there is so much pressure to afford stuff we don't really need. Our society has forgot what is important in life. My friend Tracy burned her foot last week, burns stink, I know from personal experience. Pray that she has a speedy recovery. My friend Zacarias still needs prayers for her Crohn's disease. Please send any prayer requests you might have!! Go in peace brother and sisters in Christ.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More Prayers

My friend Violet is suffering from very intense back pain. The doctor has told her not to get out of bed for the next two days. She might even have to have surgery. Please pray that the Lord takes away the pain and that she is able to get back to her life. In his name all is possible.

A Beautiful Day

I feel very blessed at the moment, the sun is shining and my foot feels pretty good; I would like to thank everyone who prayed for me, I can feel the Lord healing me with his glorious power. I feel like the gout was a warning from the Lord to watch what I've been putting into my body. Two weeks ago I was talking to some friends about prayer and how as bad as things are there is no need to worry because our Father in Heaven loves us so much and will always provide. Well the last week has tested that, besides the horrible foot pain I also ran out of money and I am currently over drawn in the bank. With all that I still feel great, the Lord has sent so many people into my life to help me, rides from friends and another friend took me to the store and bought me weeks worth of healthy food. Praise the Lord!
Prayer requests, my friend who has children is going through the last stage of her court ordeal, I'm praying not just that she gets what she deserves I'm also praying that the Lord opens her ex's heart! I'm also praying for actor Paul Walker's family. I guess it's living in LA, you get a connection to the celebs since they are part of your community. I heard Paul was a Christian and that really makes me happy, at least he is with out Father now. Prayers also for my friend Zacrarias, the Chrons is still affecting her pretty bad. I also pray for my ex roommate Rick, he is very sick and in constant pain, I ask for the Lord to take away what ails him. I'm also praying for my friend Chris's sister Heidi who is suffering from Lyme disease, sounds like the Lord is already starting her on the road to recovery. Praise the Lord! I ask for prayers for myself, I ask to have this pain taken away from me and I also ask for doors to open at work that will lead to more success. I also pray for all the lost and wounded in the world, I pray they realize how much our Risen Father loves them and how everything is possible through him!!