Monday, August 19, 2013


Thanks to anyone who prayed for me, my quick trip to Alaska went well. I hitchhiked 300 miles over an 8 hour period and Lord be praised the only time it was really raining was when I was already in cars. The photo bellow is my bestie Audra, I went up for her surprise 30th birthday. Great times, I felt very blessed that it all worked out.
Photo: One of the biggest surprises of the night!   You're the best!

The temptation part of my post involves the copious amount of drugs awaiting me when I get home. I really do not want to smoke any weed. Please pray for me, I have this need, or should I say desire to get as high as possible. I want to forget something, but I'm not sure what. Pray for me brothers and sisters and ask that the Lord takes away this compulsion that I have.
 Please send any prayer requests you might have, go in peace friends.

Friday, August 16, 2013

More prayers my brothers and sisters in Christ

My friend Zacarias still needs prayers since she is back in the hospital with vomiting and diarrhea. We ask that Zacarias' faith in our Risen Lord will heal her body. In the Lord's name all things are possible.
 I ask for prayers for me as I embark on a trip up north for a surprise birthday party. I will be hitchhiking for some of the trip so I'm asking the Lord to watch over me ask I travel.
 I also ask for the Lord's healing power to touch Joseph who lies in ICU, he has a wife Cynthia and a 9 year old daughter Alex. We pray that the Lord help the doctors find out what is wrong with Joseph and start him on the right treatment so he will be healed quickly. We also ask Lord that you put a calmness over the hearts of his family and everyone who he has touched. Let the Lord keep them reserved so there emotions don't overcome them. We ask all these things in your name Oh Risen Lord, because in your name all things are possible while everything not of your name is to be ash, praise you Jesus! AMEN

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The power of our father

I have been very proud lately; this is not a trait I like but I know I've enjoyed acting that way. I have many behaviors I am currently trying to end. I disappoint myself and the Lord on a daily basis with this behavior. I ask the Lord to please take away my urge for instant gratification. I want to be as high as possible, having an orgasm or just doing nothing so badly most of the time. It makes me feel gross when I lower myself to this level. I ask the same as I always ask "please Lord take away my shortcomings and these evil desires that I let into my heart along time ago" in your name all things are possible.

Last night I got a flat tire while driving my bosses car. The truck's spare tire was underneath the truck and needed a special crank to get it off. Well the crank was gone and the AAA guy couldn't do anything but offer a tow. I didn't have money for the tow and my boss needed her truck the next morning for work. Fortunately after 2 hours of praying the Lord provided us with a a tool to get the tire down. It wasn't the best night but I was thankful with the way the Lord made everything work out.

I have some prayer requests. Please e-mail me any prayer requests you may have. My friend Zacarias has crohns disease, it has been bothering her for a while and has been in the hospital quite a few times recently. We ask the Lord to heal Zacarias and let her go back to the life that she had before. I could use some prayers for an adventure I'm going on this weekend. I ask for the angels of the Lord to stand behind me during my trip and watch out for my safety. I also ask the Lord to put me where he wants and with who ever needs to know his message and know his Love.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Please Lord

Please Lord take away my need to always smoke weed, I know there are medical benefits to using it but I do not have those needs currently. Thank you for all you have given me, also forgive me of the pride that I have. In your name all things are possible, Amen. If anyone has any prayer requests send them too me. If anyone who is listening please pray for my friend T's little brother in Sacramento, he is having kidney failure. It's all in the hands of the Lord now.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Loving the Lord

I recently went home to Alaska, the trip was very nice and it gave me the chance to share some of the ways the Lord has been working in my life. I'm still bothered by flying and trying with the prayer to over come that fear. I can say i handled myself pretty well on the flights and was lucky enough to sleep for a majority of the flights. I was able to make one service at my home church and it was amazing. I really felt the presence of the Lord, so much that during praise and worship I started crying. It's moments like that where I feel so blessed to have the Lord in my life. With all that said I'm still screwing up, I'm still putting my own wishes in front of the Lord. Drugs and sex are still a big draw for me, It hurts me to know that sometimes I would rather fill the hole inside me with ash then the power of Christ. I'm a lowly sinner O Lord, I ask for you to cleanse me and take my unclean desires away. Help me spread your gospel to the four corners of the world. Thank you  Jesus, everything is possible with your Love.