Friday, March 25, 2016


I ask for prayers for a friend of my wife. She was recently diagnosed for cancer and her husband of many years left her for someone else. I ask for the Lord to help this woman in her struggles with the cancer and the heart break she is feeling.
I also ask for prayers with a friend of mine who has lost his job, was threatened and needs to find a new apartment by April 1st. I just ask that the Lord provides him with the wisdom and answers that he needs to navigate these problems.
Prayer requests are always welcome at my email

Go with God and ask for his wisdom in all you do

Friday, March 11, 2016

Always praying

A family friend has taken a turn for the worst, any prayers would be appreciated it. Please forward any prayers you may need to me and I can post with anonymity. The Risen Lord Jesus Christ knows who needs it. In his name Amen

Friday, March 4, 2016

Pray for a friend

A good friend of mine is in court today trying to get full custody of her children from a man who beat her for multiple years. Please pray that the Lord provides her and the children the chance to be together again. We ask these things in his holy name, Amen